Create an account for the MPTC website.

On this page you can create an account that will allow you to log in to the Mt. Pleasant Track Club website. This is not to register for the season, that must be done through the Mt. Pleasant Recreation Department. You will only use this account to sign up for meets. Before doing this, please pay your booster fees to MPTC first. We will not approve an account until booster fees have been paid. The account you create is specific to the season the athlete is participating in (in this case, 2024 Cross Country), therefore, you are required to create a new account for each season (all accounts from the previous season are deleted)

Upon initial registration, you will receive an “account pending” email. Once we have confirmed you are an active member of the team and all fees have been paid, your account will be approved and you will receive a confirmation email. At that point you will be able to log in and sign up for meets.

Parents, please enter your name, email, and password in the top section, and enter your child’s name(s) at the bottom.